EEG dynamics during induction electromagnetic stimulation in the mode alpha rhythm

EEG dynamics during induction electromagnetic stimulation in the mode alpha rhythm

AUTHORS : Koroleva M.V. | Meizerov E.E.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Scientific and Practical Center for Traditional Medicine and Homeopathy of the Ministry of Health Russia, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2000 | Category : Educational

In recent years, scientists and practitioners of therapy based on the effects of therapeutic attract factors methods small intensity. Among these methods, a significant place is given to the effect of weak electromagnetic fields. The mechanisms of interaction of superweak electromagnetic fields with a living organism are based, according to a number of researchers, the principle of bioresonance, when external oscillations enter into resonance with the natural electromagnetic oscillations of organs and tissues [1, 2]. The main idea of using resonance in medicine is that with the correct selection of the frequency of therapeutic electromagnetic effects, it is possible to enhance normal vibrations or weaken pathological ones in the human body.

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