Legal issues of traditional medical practice in the field of traditional diagnostics and bioresonance therapy in Russian Federation

Legal issues of traditional medical practice in the field of traditional diagnostics and bioresonance therapy in Russian Federation

AUTHORS : Karpeev A.A. | Kiseleva T.L.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Scientific and Practical Center for Traditional Medicine and Homeopathy of the Ministry of Health Russia, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2000 | Category : Informative

Since 1998, licensing of medical activities, including traditional medical activities, in the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 142 dated April 29, 1998, and in Moscow – in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations of the Moscow Health Committee “On licensing and criteria for admitting licensed subjects to carry out traditional medical activities “from 05/27/99 (authors – A.A. Karpeev, T.L. Kiseleva). In accordance with these regulatory documents, only types are subject to licensing.

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