Methods of influence on the human body in the conditions of the department of anesthesiology and intensive care

Methods of influence on the human body in the conditions of the department of anesthesiology and intensive care

AUTHORS : Yamchinova I. V. 

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Ivanteevskaya Central City Hospital, Chief Physician E.N. Erokhin, MSCC “Bio-Impulse”, director Sosedov O. N; Russia
YEAR : 1999 | Category : Educational

Every year 460 – 480 patients pass through the department of anesthesiology and resuscitation (ARO) of the Ivanteevsk central city hospital. By age – from 1 year to 92 years, by sex: women – 58%, men – 42%, by nosology: postoperative patients – 58%, poisoning –11%, acute myocardial infarction complicated by heart rhythm disturbances, acute left ventricular failure – 15%, bronchial asthma, status – 8%; false croup – 15%, pneumonia with respiratory failure – 7.5%. Of the postoperative patients, the most severe contingent is patients with peritonitis, complex therapy of these patients includes artificial ventilation of the lungs, plasma, lymphosorption, ultraviolet irradiation peripheral blood, massive infusion therapy under the control of CVP in the mode of moderate dehydration, epidural anesthesia, AES of the gastrointestinal tract.

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