Experience in the combined use of electropuncture and bioresonance therapy for relief of withdrawal symptoms in drug addicts

Experience in the combined use of electropuncture and bioresonance therapy for relief of withdrawal symptoms in drug addicts

AUTHORS : Speranskaya O.I.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Narcological dispensary №8, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 1999 | Category : Method of treatment

One of the most difficult and pressing medical problems of our time is drug addiction treatment. Here it should be borne in mind not only the increase in the use of narcotic
and potent substances, mainly among young people, the accelerated development of drug addiction, but also the absence of a clearly developed unified system of drug addiction treatment so far. The currently existing methods of pharmacotherapy for withdrawal symptoms and drug cravings are, in essence, shocking to the human body, because often difficult to tolerate by patients, cause a significant number of side effects and complications.

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