Bioresonance therapy in the treatment of patients with cochlear neuritis

Bioresonance therapy in the treatment of patients with cochlear neuritis

AUTHORS : Bravo O.S. | Kozhinova T.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical center “Evolution”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 1999 | Category : Type of application

Decreased hearing acuity, hearing loss, diagnosed as neuritis of the auditory nerve or “cochlear neuritis”, a disease often found in otolaryngology. The reasons for the violation of the function of the sound-receiving system are very diverse. The most important of them: general infectious diseases (influenza, mumps, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, etc.), atherosclerosis, drug intoxication (salicylates, antibiotics, quinine, etc.), alcohol, mineral poisons (arsenic, lead, mercury, phosphorus ), noise and vibration injuries.

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