The role of BRT in the treatment of polyarthritis of various origins

The role of BRT in the treatment of polyarthritis of various origins

AUTHORS : Islamov B.I.Gotovsky Yu.V. | Funtikov V.A. | Bobrovsky R.V. | Mazein A.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES :  Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS, Pushchino, Russia
YEAR : 1997 | Category : Type of application

In the occurrence of polyarthritis, infection, impaired immunity and genetic predisposition are of primary importance . It has been established that the socalled reactive polyarthritis in a number of intestinal infections (yersinosis, salmonellosis, possibly brucellosis) are observed mainly in individuals with certain genetic characteristics of the immune system in the presence of the histocompatibility antigen (HLA B27) . This antigen is found much more often than in populations also in ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter’s disease and psoriatic polyarthritis .

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