Possibility of fixation, detection and identification of energyinformational structures of biological objects

Possibility of fixation, detection and identification of energyinformational structures of biological objects

AUTHORS : Glebov V.S. | Tokarev V.F. | Bravo O.S. | Dorokhina M.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Department of restoration of the state. archive of the Russian Federation,Laboratory of Experimental Physics,BR-therapy center “IZGOLS PLUS” LLC, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Educational

The purpose real work was objectification availability information and energy structures of biological objects by the method of photo registration. In our report, we would like to acquaint you with the results that were obtained by us in the process of creating diagnostic state techniques biological objects based analyzing their information and energy structures.

The basis to carry out such work served different nominated (in times and in different forms) by many and at the researchers, moment having an experimental confirmation of the theory (hypothesis) of the existence of biological objects (and in a more general case of any material objects) in addition to the well-known material part of a certain informational substance associated with this object and containing all information about it.

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