Mental masks of somatic diseases. Algorithms for optimal diagnosis and treatment

Mental masks of somatic diseases. Algorithms for optimal diagnosis and treatment

AUTHORS : Kirgizova NS.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : NII OZ named after N.A.Semashko, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2019 | Category : Algorithm

Significant social, informational, physical stress in modern society provokes the development of negative emotional manifestations in people of all age groups. However, an important point is the need to identify negative emotional manifestations directly related to the development of somatic pathology. In the algorithm for analyzing the patient’s condition, an important link is the analysis of the clinical picture of the patient’s disease, the correct, thorough questioning of complaints, anamnesis, basic functions, data from clinical, biochemical, genetic, immunological, instrumental studies, and a sufficient physical examination.

In a number of cases, it becomes necessary to differentiate the manifestations of an endogenous disease (schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, involutional psychosis), endogenous organic (epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, Pick, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s) and exogenous organic (in vascular diseases, trauma, tumors, encephalitis, organic, endocrine diseases) diseases, exogenous (symptomatic psychosis in case of poisoning, substance abuse, alcoholism, infections) and psychogenic (neuroses, reactive psychosis) disorders.

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