Experience in the use of electropunctural diagnostics and bioresonance therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic

Experience in the use of electropunctural diagnostics and bioresonance therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic

AUTHORS : Kempe N.

YEAR : 2021 | Category : Method of Treatment

A characteristic feature of the seasonal virus in 2019 was the increased incidence of “atypical pneumonia” in patients. The examination of the patients who applied was based on the determination of the nucleus of the pathology (more often chlamydia in the lungs was tested) and high degrees of tension of the immune system. Accordingly, anti-Chlamydia and detoxification therapy was carried out.

Some of the patients received additional antibiotics and antipyretics. In the second half of September, two patients suddenly began to experience incomprehensible deterioration associated with the respiratory process and the rise in temperature. I sounded the alarm. All the attempts of the doctors of the lung center and my efforts did not give the desired success.

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