Two years of experience with induction magnetic therapy in the frequencies of the bioelectric activity of the brain in patients with ischemic stroke in the most acute stage

Two years of experience with induction magnetic therapy in the frequencies of the bioelectric activity of the brain in patients with ischemic stroke in the most acute stage

AUTHORS : Bobrovskaya A.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Clinical Hospital No. 83 and the Department of Homeopathy and Electropuncture medicine IPK FU MEDBIOEXREM MH RF, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2002 | Category : Clinical evaluation

Ischemic stroke (cerebral infarction) is essentially the final stage in the development of vascular pathology of the brain. After blockage of the cerebral artery as a result of the cessation of blood flow, the delivery of energetically necessary substances to the brain is impossible. In the center of the focus, necrosis develops, a zone of the so-called ischemic penumbra develops around the focus, where the brain cells are still alive, but their function is inhibited. And, finally, at a distance in other areas, brain cells are morphologically preserved.

The main mechanism of neuronal damage in stroke is energy deficit and cascading oxidative stress. The modern drugs used to restore cerebral blood flow and antioxidants do not give the desired effect of restoring lost neurological functions. In this regard, it remains relevant to search for alternative methods of treating patients with ischemic stroke at the earliest stage of the disease, when the pathological compensatory system in the brain has not yet formed.

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