Experience in the treatment of diseases accompanied by geopathogenic loads

Experience in the treatment of diseases accompanied by geopathogenic loads

AUTHORS : Pozhidaev I.A. | Solomatin V.A. | Tikhomirov D.D.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical Center for High Technologies under the Association of the Union “Chernobyl”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2002 | Category : Method of treatment

It is known that geopathogenic zones (GPZ) have an adverse effect on the normal functioning of the human body, disrupt natural biorhythms for it. With prolonged exposure to GPZ, various diseases arise. Scientific research in recent years has shown that such diseases include: psycho-vegetative, psychoemotional abnormalities, depletion of the immune system, development of tumor processes, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchopulmonary system, endocrine system (diabetes mellitus), joint diseases.

Once having experienced the negative impact of the GPZ, a person continues to “carry” it with him for a long time. The body cannot solve this problem on its own. According to our observations, a wide variety of pathologies develop under the influence of GPZ. There are positive results of treatment with the appointment of protective frequency drugs 6.2 Hz, anti-drugs from the site of negative impact.

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