The role of the diencephalic region in the formation of chronic pathology. Diagnostics and treatment of hypothalamic dysfunctions

The role of the diencephalic region in the formation of chronic pathology. Diagnostics and treatment of hypothalamic dysfunctions

AUTHORS : Kazantseva M.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Primorsky Regional Diagnostic Center, Vladivostok, Russia
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Educational

During my work on the method of bioresonance therapy (BRT) I had to face the problem of chronic diseases, spanning decades. short-term remission with a long history, The search for a reason led to the “old, treatment sometimes kind ” neurology. We all know that any chronic disease forms a stable pathological dominant in the cerebral cortex. This, in turn, leads to the pathological functioning of the subcortical centers (diencephalic area), and through them all systems of the body.

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