Possibilities of an electrophysiological study of biologically active points (EPI BAP) for the diagnosis and assessment of the severity of bronchopulmonary diseases in children
AUTHORS : Dmitrieva T.N. | Savenkova M.S.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Department of functional diagnostics with the course of children’s functional diagnostics, faculty of advanced training for doctors of Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2000 | Category : Informative Study
In recent years, there has been an increase in the frequency of severe, recurrent and chronic lung diseases of an infectious and allergic nature. In 4-16% of cases [2, 3, 6, 8, 10], these diseases are accompanied by the development of severe airway obstruction and require a timely assessment of the degree of impaired respiratory function. Currently, the main methods for assessing the function of external respiration remain spirometric methods, which can provide important information about tidal volumes, respiratory rates and the intensity of gas exchange in the lungs [7].