Bioresonance study of the genetic mechanisms of the relationship of stress, sleep disorders, aging, healing and rejuvenation of the body
AUTHORS : Ivanchenko V.A.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical center “Biopharm-test”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2013
It is known that the deeper the sleep, i.e. the state of inhibition of metabolism (hypobiosis), the higher the efficiency. This is due to the fact that in the phase of deep
sleep, recovery (“repair”), healing and “antiaging” of the body develops [1]. However, as they age, most of the population suffers from insomnia, ranging from falling asleep disturbances to frequent awakenings during the night. At the same time, working capacity is significantly lost, the quality of life deteriorates, various diseases develop, and the aging process accelerates [2]. Being engaged in bioresonance study of the human genome [3], we assumed that the processes of “antiaging” during sleep are associated with the activation of special genes that support the circadian biorhythm
“sleep-wakefulness”. These are genes of the Period family (Per 1, 2, 3, etc.). Recently,
American scientists have established that the Per 3 gene expresses glucocorticoids
with a peak in the early morning hours