Evaluation of the impact on the human body of water irradiated in the Onko and Krona BPZs by the method of the vegetative resonance test “IMEDIS-TEST”
AUTHORS : Shevchenko S.N. | Nekrasov V.A.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : International Academy of Fine-Field Ecology of Health, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2009
Biosphere pathogenic zones “Onko” and “Crohn” (BPZ) (according to the classification of Academician VA Nekrasov [1, 2, 3]) have a harmful effect on
people, animals, plants and liquid media. The first studies were carried out using the hardware-software complex
“IMEDIS-EXPERT” by the method of vegetative resonance test on the effect of water on the human body, taken from sources placed in the rays of the biospheric
pathogenic zones “Onko” and “Krona”.