Osteopathic gravity concept
AUTHORS : Mokhov D.E.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : State educational institution of additional professional education, St. Petersburg
Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Institute of Osteopathic Medicine SPbMAPO, St. Petersburg
YEAR : 2003
In recent decades, there has been a rapid development of a new medical specialty – posturology, or the doctrine of the vertical position of the human body and methods of
holding it.This issue was first raised in 1679, when the Italian naturalist Borelli determined the location of the center of gravity of the human body. Further, biomechanics, the theory of the movement of the human body in space, the study of walking and lameness developed successfully. And finally, about 30 years ago, posturology appeared (from Latin, postura – posture, a certain posture) (Gaqey R.M., 1988, 1991; Assclair V., 1977; Gaqey R.M, Guillaume R., 1988; Toupet, 1991). The ability to maintain balance in an upright position is one of the most important conditions in the interaction of a person and the external