Experience of using devices of the firm “IMEDIS” in medical practice
AUTHORS : Gorlov A.V.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Shakhty village, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia
YEAR : 2006
Half-year experience of work on devices “IMEDIS” proved for me the uniqueness and effectiveness of the method,
when a full-fledged clinic that allows unlimited pathology profile. placed on one table accept patients with
A few examples from my humble work experience. The entire adult population (100%!) Of the central and northern regions of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory has a parasitic burden, and from three to seven types of
parasites are detected. The frequency of occurrence of echinococcosis is very high. It
affects up to 80% of the rural population with localization not only in the liver and
lungs, but also in 80% of cases – in both or one of the temporal lobes of the brain.