Influence of holographic information copies on growth activity, the viability of cell lines and the reproduction of the influenza virus
AUTHORS : Danlybaeva G.A. | Egorochkin I.V. | Isaeva E.I. | Mikhailova G.R. | Podchernyaeva R. Ya.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : State Institute of Virology named after D.I.Ivanovsky RAMS, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2006
Modern approaches to the selection of drugs are primarily focused on the safety of the drug, since side effects can have a damaging effect on the human
body. This dictates the need to search for such agents that have a therapeutic effect without disrupting the metabolism of cells and the whole organism. One of
these means are medical holographic energy-information copies (GIC) of biophysical properties of biologically active substances using laser radiation [1]. In
this work, we studied the influence of the GIK