The use of bioresonance therapy in the complex treatment of the consequences of perinatal encephalopathy in infants

The use of bioresonance therapy in the complex treatment of the consequences of perinatal encephalopathy in infants

AUTHORS :  Avanesova E.G. | Avanesova T.S. | Gotovsky M.Yu. | Bocharov D.G.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center for Intelligent Medical Systems “IMEDIS”, Moscow
YEAR : 2006


Perinatal encephalopathy (PEP) is one of the urgent problems of modern pediatrics and pediatric neurology. Epidemiological studies have shown that
perinatal damage to the central nervous system accounts for 35–40% in the structure of childhood disability [1]. According to the WHO expert committee, up to
10% of the child population have neuropsychiatric disorders, among the causes of which 80% are perinatal encephalopathies. At the same time, in 67% of patients,
AED is a consequence of hypoxic-ischemic injury (HIE), 10% are accounted for by birth trauma and developmental anomalies, 15% of neurological disorders are
caused by previous neuroinfections [1].



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