Electropuncture diagnostics in the treatment of patients with involutional CCRD

Electropuncture diagnostics in the treatment of patients with involutional CCRD

AUTHORS : Malinovskaya T.A. | Neroev V.V. | Ivanov A.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases named after Helmholtz, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2005


Involutionary central chorioretinal dystrophy (CCRD) is the leading cause of blindness and low vision in the second half of life in the population of developed
countries. According to domestic and foreign authors, CHRD occurs in 25–45% of people over 50 years of age, but it can manifest itself already at a young age and in
some cases is hereditary in nature. Recently, more and more studies are being carried out aimed at identifying
certain links between the functional state of the internal organs and the changes occurring in the retina of the eye. This brings researchers closer to understanding
the etiopathogenesis of macular degenerative lesions. For this purpose, we used electropunctural diagnostics (EPD) according to R. Voll’s method, which made it
possible to identify violations and optimize the process of choosing tactics and
methods of treatment in this particular patient.



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