Experience in the use of bioresonance therapy and homeopathy in combination with short courses of therapeutic fasting in the treatment of obesity
AUTHORS : Bobrovskaya A.N.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Department of Homeopathy and Electropuncture Medicine IPC, Clinical
Hospital No. 83 FU MEDBIOEXTREM of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2005
According to the WHO, approximately 50% of the population in developed countries is overweight, and obesity is most prevalent in the United States,
Canada, Europe and Russia. Obesity is the cause of many diseases that not only disable patients, but can also lead to death.
The causes of obesity in adults are controversial. Distinguish between internal and external mechanisms of violation of fat metabolism. Among the
external causes of obesity, a significant change in the nature of nutrition should be noted in the second half of the twentieth century, when high-calorie refined foods
appeared in many civilized countries, and in conditions of a high pace of life, the socalled
“fast food” on the go was cultivated.