Radiation load

Radiation load

AUTHORS : Kayumova E.N.

YEAR : 2005


19 years have passed since the terrible disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Until now, the effect of radiation on the human body has not been
fully understood. It is sometimes very difficult for a practical doctor to make a correct diagnosis, because classic signs of diseases have a blurred clinical picture.
It is here that the equipment of the IMEDIS Center comes to the rescue, their methodological developments and directions.
Our center is located in the Gomel region, – on an area with a radiation contamination level of up to 5 Curies (100 km), therefore each of our patients is
necessarily examined for the presence of radiation load (RN). Given this factor, can we assume that everyone should have a PH? But, when carrying out diagnostics,
we test it only in every fourth person.



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