Therapy for children and adults with astigmatism, myopia and strabismus using the techniques of bioresonance therapy and vegetative resonance test
AUTHORS : Vasilkovskaya1 O.V. | Mkhitaryan2 K.N.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1clinic “Vitamed”, Gabrovo, Bulgaria; 2Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2016
The paper presents the results of a study on the diagnosis and treatment of astigmatism, myopia and strabismus
using the combined use of autonomic resonance test and bioresonance therapy (ART and BRT). The authors proposed a
uniform algorithm for the diagnosis and treatment of astigmatism, myopia and strabismus, based on the idea that
these diseases are, in fact, disorders of the oculomotor function (as a result, the shape of the eye in the case of
astigmatism and myopia) as a result of chronic viral infection of its muscles and tissues, oculomotor nerves and visual
pathway. The high cure rates for astigmatism, myopia, and strabismus achieved in the study support this hypothesis.
Both diagnostics and therapy of the studied group of nosologies are carried out according to a single algorithm