Treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis with bioresonance therapy and vegetative resonance test
AUTHORS : Vasilkovskayaone O.V. | Akaeva2 T.V. | Mkhitaryan3 K.N.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : oneMedical center “Vitamed”, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, 2FGU IBMP RAS, Moscow, Russia, 3Center for Intelligent Medical systems “IMEDIS” Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2015
RESUME Research results of diagnostics and therapy of autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) with complex use of vegetative resonance test (VRT) and bioresonance therapy (BRT) are presented. It’s shown that diagnostics and therapy of this nosology with these methods has its peculiarities. A uniform algorithm for diagnostics and therapy of thyroiditis is used in this research, what can be considered as a significant step of VRT and BRT methods
towards evidence based medicine. The conclusion about hidden conditionality of autoimmune thyroiditis by chronic viral infections was done. New controlling signals (informational preparation Anaferon, Triton regeneration and Triton metamorphosis) showed as effective
measures for antiviral and rehabilitation direction of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis therapy were