CMV infection. Practice notes
AUTHORS : Staritskaya N.P.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : PE “VitaLife”, Dzerzhinsk, Republic of Belarus
YEAR : 2013
Working in information medicine for about ten years, you become a witness to the innermost secrets of the body, and, possibly, the discoverer of the
foundations of many pathological processes, the interpretation of which goes under the heading “cause unknown”. Such diseases are incurable and are a heavy
burden for a person for the rest of his life. The accumulated experience allows us to more deeply illuminate the activities of one of the representatives of the group
of herpes viruses – cytomegalovirus (CMV).
Many scientific and unscientific works are devoted to this infection. From a popular television show about health, we learn that CMV is transmitted from person to
person through kissing, sexual contact, and vaccination can protect against it.