The dynamics of the body’s adaptive capabilities in patients with adaptation disorders and endogenous depression in the process of using the resonant color-sound technology “Color-sound matrix “Antistress”

The dynamics of the body’s adaptive capabilities in patients with adaptation disorders and endogenous depression in the process of using the resonant color-sound technology “Color-sound matrix “Antistress”

AUTHORS : Miroshnik E.V. | Orlova V.A. | Chizh M.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Federal Medical and Biophysical Center named after A.I.Burnazyan FMBA of Russia, International University of Fundamental Education, Oxford
Educational Network, LLC “Lacrona”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2012


Introduction The positive influence of light (color) and musical sound on the human body has been known since ancient times. Currently, these data are not only confirmed by the empirical practice of various methods of color light therapy and music therapy, but also find a scientific basis. The superweak luminescence of living organisms, their tissues, molecular cells, as well as their musical rhythm up to subcellular structures has been experimentally proved [3, 10–12, etc.]. The results of the experimental work were confirmed and expanded by calculations carried out on the basis of the electromagnetic characteristics of the chemical elements that make up DNA. The sound (including musical sounds) and light-color properties
of the molecule, reflecting the general principles of the organization of the
material world, were demonstrated [8, 9].



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