Homeopathic therapy of climacteric syndrome
AUTHORS : Zhidkova1 E.V. | Linde2 V.A. | Lesiovskaya3 HER.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1SPbGMA them. I.I. Mechnikov. St. Petersburg,2FGU “Rostov Scientific –
Research Institute of Obstetrics and Pediatrics “, Rostov-on-Don,
3FGUN Institute of Toxicology FMBA, St. Petersburg
YEAR : 2012
SUMMARY In the modern literature, in the treatment of menopausal disorders, emphasis is placed on hormone replacement therapy (HRT). But there is no
unambiguous attitude to HRT due to the presence of contraindications, side effects, the required range of examinations and the high cost of hormonal drugs.
Therefore, at present, there is a tendency to search for the safest methods of
treating menopausal disorders. Homeotherapy can become such a method.