The nature of bioadaptive response and life expectancy of old animals under the influence of potentiated gerontological preparations
AUTHORS : Shikhlyarova A.I. | Gotovsky M.Yu. | Kudaev A.E. | Mkhitaryan K.N. | Khodareva N.K.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MCIT “Artemida”, FGU RNIOI Rosmedtechnologies, Rostov-on-Don,
Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2009
When analyzing the problem of aging, the main attention is paid not to a multitude of mutually exclusive approaches, but to the characteristics of various
links of a single process. The category of aging is closely related to biological processes such as bioadaptive response and adaptation.
Considering that the body is a complex self-organizing oscillatory system and has a high sensitivity to factors of information nature, it becomes necessary to
determine the prospects for using bioresonance effects to ensure effective rejuvenation.