Lymphogranulomatosis or Brucellosis?
AUTHORS : Dykun N. | Dykun Yu.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Treatment and Diagnostic Center “Pyramid”, Dubno, Ukraine
YEAR : 2009
Lymphogranulomatosis (synonym: Hodgkin’s disease, Hodgkin’s lymphoma) is a malignant neoplasm originating from lymphoid tissue. Lymphogranulomatosis was
first described by Hodgkin in 1832. The etiology and pathogenesis are not known. A number of authors believe that the process begins with the local emergence of a
tumor, which subsequently metastasizes by the lymphogenous and hematogenous pathways. Another point of view suggests the multicentric occurrence of a tumor
(systemic tumor) within the tumor field, which in lymphogranulomatosis may be
the entire lymphatic system.