Prevention and treatment of hypoxia in the elderly with BRT and aromatherapy

Prevention and treatment of hypoxia in the elderly with BRT and aromatherapy

AUTHORS : Kozlova E.N. | Dudoladov V.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Marine State University named after G.I. Nevelskoy, LPC
SYNERGY, Vladivostok, Russia
YEAR : 2006


Hypoxia is a condition that occurs as a result of insufficient oxygen supply to the tissues of the body or a violation of its assimilation during biological oxidation,
leading to a violation of the energy supply of functional and plastic processes in the body.
In our work, we want to focus on the treatment of endogenous hypoxia,
which occurs most often in old age and is the result of pathological processes and
chronic diseases leading to insufficient transport and deficiency of oxygen and
metabolic substrates in organs and tissues.



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