On the treatment of chronic neurological diseases of the maxillary facial area

On the treatment of chronic neurological diseases of the maxillary facial area

AUTHORS : Orlov M.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Stavropol State Medical Academy, Department of Propedeutics of
Dental Diseases, Stavropol, Russia
YEAR : 2006


Chronic neurological diseases of the maxillofacial region (neuralgia, neuritis, glossalgia, mouth burning syndrome, etc.) are common in clinical dentistry.
However, achieving a stable remission, normalizing the psychophysiological status and quality of life is a difficult and sometimes unsolved problem.
In the work presented at the previous conference, we described the identified relationships in neurogenic pathology of the maxillofacial region and the
results of treatment using the ART + method. The remission was stable. However, dispensary observation of our patients revealed in
In 38% of cases, the presence of periodic depressive states,
patients focused on.



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