The influence of reflexology on the rheological properties of the blood of patients with cerebrovascular diseases
AUTHORS : Savelieva I.E.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : % O % Ivanovo Medical Academy, Ivanovo
YEAR : 2005
Vascular diseases of the brain are one of the most important problems in medicine [2, 8]. The high prevalence of cerebrovascular diseases, a high percentage of disability and mortality determine the urgency of this problem [9]. The leading place in the structure of cerebrovascular diseases is
currently occupied by ischemic lesions, in the pathogenesis of which a significant place belongs to disorders of the rheological properties of blood [3, 4, 10].
Stroke or, according to the terminology of ancient Eastern medicine, “wind blow” often occurs due to insufficient blood Qi or as a result of the fact that there is a deficiency in the lower heater, and redundancy in the upper one, that is, the harmony of Yin and Yang in Fu-organs is disturbed. The reasons
for these phenomena are manifold [6]. “Wind blow” is divided into two options. The first occurs when
violations are localized in the meridians and collaterals. The second – with the defeat of Zhani Fu-organs.
Ischemic strokes often occur by the mechanism of the first option.