The use of endogenous wave therapy and herbal preparations of mistletoe (ISCADOR and ABNOBA Viscum) in the rehabilitation of patients with cancer diseases and viral hepatitis C

The use of endogenous wave therapy and herbal preparations of mistletoe (ISCADOR and ABNOBA Viscum) in the rehabilitation of patients with cancer diseases and viral hepatitis C

AUTHORS : Markin Yu.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Institute of Radiophysiological Research of the Russian Academy
Natural Sciences, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2005


Currently, no one doubts that cancer is associated with a violation of the immune system, more precisely, immunological surveillance against oncogenic
viruses or abnormal cells. We based our cancer treatment strategy on the principle of “complementary oncotherapy” (Klaschka,
1966), which implies the mutually reinforcing therapeutic of existing traditional immunological methods of treatment of the
etiopathogenetic significance of each method. action taking into account First, we identified factors that disrupt the transfer of information in
regulatory functions:



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