The use of the music-therapeutic program “Antistress Insomnia” in the complex therapy of sleep disorders in patients with neurosis

The use of the music-therapeutic program “Antistress Insomnia” in the complex therapy of sleep disorders in patients with neurosis

AUTHORS :   Shusharjan S.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Scientific Center for Music Therapy and Medical-Acoustic Technologies
RNTSVM and K of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2004


Materials and methods Musical and therapeutic program “Antistress-Insomnia” was developed in
1999 for the treatment and prevention of stress, neuroses, sleep disorders. Musical compositions (pop-symphonic masterpieces) were carefully selected and
distributed in a special way, which were recorded on a laser CD. The “Antistress” section of the program is recorded on tracks 1–10. Relieves
nervous tension and anxiety, improves mood. The optimal listening time is
morning, afternoon.



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