Experience with the apparatus “Mini-Expert-D” using the methodology of Ovsepyan A.A.

Experience with the apparatus “Mini-Expert-D” using the methodology of Ovsepyan A.A.

AUTHORS : Polle L.A. | Bessarabov O.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Treatment and Diagnostic Center “Medicine of the Future”, Kaliningrad, Russia
YEAR : 2004 | Category : Method of Treatment

Patient A., 67 years old, applied to the Medical and Diagnostic Center “Medicine of the Future” in February 2003 with a complaint about the presence of a rounded formation in the left iliac region. In February 2003, a survey was carried out using the method of autonomic resonance test (ART). The following data were obtained:

– sigmoid colon D3; BI 16, FI 20;

– colon D4; BI 16, FI 20;

– spleen D3; BI 16, FI 20;

– splenic angle of the colon D3; BI 16, FI 2/20;

– an obvious malignant process;

– a pronounced stage of depletion of the immune system;

– index of 3-degree DNA violation;

– Carcinoma D60; – Psorinum 3 c.u .;

– viral burdens: Herpes simplex 1, Epstein-Barr virus D15. Mycotic burdens: Aspergillus fumigatus, Mycosis fungoides.

Session was held Mycosis fungoides detoxification pr 22.5 Hz. s resonance frequency therapy (RFT) according to programs and epara virus products of the company “ONOM” and using the frequency Epstein-Barr, with application After a course of therapy with Mycosis fungoides and Epstein-Barr virus using the ART method, frequencies and nosodes were not tested.

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