The influence of thymus hormones on the course of the autoimmune process

The influence of thymus hormones on the course of the autoimmune process

AUTHORS : Brusina L.I.

YEAR : 2003 | Category : Educational

Timalin is a drug obtained from the thymus of calves with immune-correcting properties [3] studied on a model of neuroautoimmune damage in the offspring of neurosensitized rats [4, 5]. This model did not reproduce gross violations in the main indicators of the growth and development of the offspring, but it was revealed: an increase in convulsive readiness to a sound stimulus and to threshold doses of corazole; a significant decrease in the preservation time of the conditioned reflex of passive avoidance; violation of behavioral reactions, combined with dystrophic changes in nerve cells in the sensorimotor region of the cerebral cortex and compensatory and adaptive processes in the limbic region of the hippocampus.

The detection of anti-brain antibodies and reliable activation of the synthesis of water-insoluble proteins in the hippocampus made it possible to suggest that antibrain antibodies cause intrauterine damage to the nervous tissue, accompanied by the release of brain antigens, followed by the formation of a neuroautoimmune process. Its course is greatly influenced by the hippocampus as one of the regulators of the immune system.

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