Psoriasis – on the etiology of treatment

Psoriasis – on the etiology of treatment

AUTHORS : Dykun N.V. | Dykun Yu.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Treatment and Diagnostic Center “Pyramid”, Dubno, Ukraine
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Educational

The etiology of psoriasis is polymorphic. Recently, it has been viewed as an ectodermal phase of degeneration. According to the author’s observations, psoriatic manifestations are the result of internal disorders of the body. It is known that the main excretory organs and systems are: skin, lungs, small and large intestines, kidneys, bladder. With a decrease in the functions of one of them, the excretory functions are assumed by another organ, the function of which is not impaired.

In the materials of the II International Conference “Theoretical and Clinical Aspects of the Application of Bioresonance and Multiresonance Therapy” (1996) DG Rozin, BD Rozin. report that in psoriasis there is a phenomenon of “falling arrow” on all BAPs of the spleen. According to our data, as a rule, deviations are recorded on the meridians of the large, small intestine and stomach. It is known that the large intestine meridian is responsible for the condition of the skin, the stomach – for nervous degeneration.

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