Music therapy and R. Voll’s method in complex rehabilitation antisocial behaviors

Music therapy and R. Voll’s method in complex rehabilitation antisocial behaviors

AUTHORS : Shusharjan S.V. | Pushkina O.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : International Academy of Integrative Medicine, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Method of Treatment

The problems of steadily growing crime and its extreme form – terrorism, in the 21st century have acquired interstate importance. Attempts to force a solution have shown their low efficiency so far. Much more promising seems to be the efforts of society aimed at the formation of an early prevention system, which cannot be effective without taking into account the whole complex of reasons that contribute to the emergence of antisocial phenomena.

As a rule, the roots of this problem are formed in childhood and depend on many conditions: socio-political, environmental, economic, and medicopsychological. So, Kh. Khristozorov identifies the following factors contributing to social maladjustment:

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