Technique for eliminating emotional damage, fixed in meridian structures

Technique for eliminating emotional damage, fixed in meridian structures

AUTHORS : Gritsenko E.G. | Gritsenko A.G.

YEAR : 2003 | Category : Educational

The interconnection and interdependence of the physical and spiritual in a person is entering deeper into the minds of people and more and more influences the development of modern medicine. The body is the temple of the spirit and the receptacle of the Soul. But the body is also an equal partner in the triune nature of a human being. Any change in one aspect of this trinity is immediately reflected in the other two.

Without a deep understanding of the laws of psychophysiology, it is impossible to comprehend the true pathogenesis of any disease. The professionalism of a modern doctor is impossible without mastering effective psychotherapeutic techniques. The Dutch physician Roy Martin, based on the knowledge of acupuncture, homeopathy, herbal medicine and other methods of naturopathic medicine, has developed an effective method “Emotional balance”, which allows you to identify and eliminate the negative impact of emotional stress on the triune human nature (body, Soul, Spirit).

The advantages of this technique are:

1. Speed and efficiency;

2. Ease of execution;

3. The possibility of self-realization without the help of a specialist or assistant.

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