Features of assessing the balance of trace elements using the ART technique

Using an inverted biopsy specimen

AUTHORS : Tikhomirov D.D. | Solomatin V.A. | Galunenko T.Yu.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical Center for High Technologies, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Educational

Long-term work with participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, as well as information obtained for each of the disabled by spectral analysis of trace elements, required a more thorough assessment microelement balance of the body. This balance was assessed using the method of vegetative resonance test, according to the methodological recommendations.

If a patient was found to have a deficiency of any of the microelements, their selection was carried out using the base of the electronic selector APK “IMEDIS-VALL”, as well as with the help of natural dosage forms brought by the patients themselves (iodine active, calcex, calcium D3-nycomed, iodine 2000 When selecting the trace elements required for prescribing to the patient, we used a technique that takes into account the interdependence of all trace elements in the human body.

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Using an inverted biopsy specimen
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