Possibilities of complex treatment of children with mental retardation

Possibilities of complex treatment of children with mental retardation

AUTHORS : Shehab L.F. | Shehab H.Yu.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Tver, Russia; Saida, Lebanon
YEAR : 2002 | Category : Method of treatment

Statistics of recent years indicate an increase in mental disorders in young children, which cause disability in children 11 times more often than diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, 3-4 times more often than diseases of the respiratory system, and in the first place is mental retardation, its the share has increased by 2.7% over the past decades. Experts talk about the formed stable negative trend in the change in the state of health of children.

Adaptive reserves are at the limit, and with an increase in mental and physical exertion, a failure immediately occurs, an increase in the percentage of children with a delay in biological age from chronological age, a violation of the harmonious development of the body, clear signs of deceleration is observed, i.e. slowing down of sexual development. Statisticians say that more than 70% of students of general and secondary education institutions experience significant difficulties in mastering the basic school curriculum.

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