Application of the vegetative resonance test to identify the etiological factors of burning mouth syndrome

Application of the vegetative resonance test to identify the etiological factors of burning mouth syndrome

AUTHORS : Orlov M.N. | Garazha N.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Stavropol State Medical Academy, Department of Propedeutics of Dental Diseases, Stavropol, Russia
YEAR : 2002 | Category : Type of application

Identification of the etiological factors of oral burning sensation (ERS) is a serious problem in clinical dentistry and neurology. Such patients are often treated by various specialists for many years with varying success, they often remove intact teeth, and unreasonably change prostheses. Despite this, there is no complete cure. This situation raises some concerns about the efficacy of many, often costly and painful medical and diagnostic procedures.

In this regard, the appearance of equipment that makes it possible to diagnose the state of various organs and systems in a short time is a significant step in medical science. At present, the IMEDIS Center (Moscow) under the guidance of Professor Yu.V. Gotovsky, hardware-software complexes have been developed (in particular, AIC “IMEDIS-FALL”), which allow to reveal the presence in the body of such loads as geopathogenic, electromagnetic, radioactive, dental testing and much more. A very important factor in correct diagnosis is the ability to identify the mutual influence of the organs of the oral cavity and their relationship with other organs of the body.

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