The reaction of the antioxidant system of lymphocytes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis for bioresonance therapy
AUTHORS : Gotovsky Yu.V. | Islamov B.I. | Balabanova R.M. | Funtikov V.A. | Sazhina E.G.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS, Pushchino; Institute of Rheumatology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow; Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow city; Russia
YEAR : 2000 | Category : Research
The lack of an identified mechanism for the development of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the main obstacle in the effective treatment of this disease. Analysis of literature data and our own observations indicates the versatility and insufficient knowledge of many links in the etiopathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. To select the optimal treatment tactics, it is necessary to isolate, at least, the main links in the development of the pathological process. Based on the results of our previous studies, we believe that the development of RA is based on the violation of nonspecific defense mechanisms of the body from external and internal damaging factors.