Possibility of treatment of purulent localized infection traditional medicine
AUTHORS : Zelentsov B.I. | Kerekesha M.G. | Poduzova O.M. | Yamchinova I.V.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MSCC “Bio-Impulse” – director Sosedov O. N., Moscow
YEAR : 1999 | Category : Educational
Purulent surgery is a separate and rather extensive area of medicine. Currently, due to a change in the state of a person, the immune forces of the body, the number of patients with purulent inflammatory diseases is increasing. Commonly Known Surgical Techniques impacts give rather long-term disability of patients. We have proposed a complex method of exposure (mastitis, lymphadenitis) without surgical intervention. All patients (10 people) were treated in the stage of a formed purulent infection, with high fever, chills, and the presence of fluctuations. Patients underwent the following exposure: