Pathophysiological tests to justify bioresonance and multiresonance therapy

Experience in the differentiated application of induction therapy in children with psychosomatic disorders

AUTHORS : Chernetsova L.V. | Soloviev Izhevsk A.A. 

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : State Medical Academy, course of natural therapy FPK and PP and the Department of Histology and Embryology
YEAR : 1999 | Category : Paracliniclinical Analysis

Many disorders in the life of the human body are associated with changes in regulatory systems and adaptation mechanisms. To assess the adaptive capabilities of a person, it is important to analyze the vital activity of the organism at the cellular, systemic and organismal levels (Khusainova I.S., Varvuleva I.Yu., Kozhina N.A., 1997). From the standpoint of valeological biophysics, the frequency of processes is important for the vital activity of the organism.

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Experience in the differentiated application of induction therapy in children with psychosomatic disorders
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