ART and homeopathy in the treatment of 3-4 degree burns. Case from practice

ART and homeopathy in the treatment of 3-4 degree burns. Case from practice

AUTHORS : Kozlov M.V. 

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical center “Avena”, Saratov, Russia
YEAR : 2020 | Category : Method of Treatment

The urgency of the problem is associated with the high frequency of thermal injuries onin production and in everyday life, during man-made accidents, as well as in military conflicts, coups, riots, terrorist acts. According to statistics, burns in Russia rank third among injuries. Their frequency is 384 cases per 100 thousand of the population, 28.4% of victims need hospitalization, mortality – 5.4%. Standard therapy is reduced to combating burn shock and surgery to restore the skin.

In cases of disasters, medical assistance may be required simultaneously by a large number of those affected, so all available means should be used, including homeopathy. The following incident made me think about this problem. Clinical example Patient M., 10 years old. On July 14, 18, she was burned 3-4 st (15% of the body surface) with a paraffin-containing liquid for igniting (during the kindling of a fire, the liquid got on the skin and ignited).

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