Study of the immunological effectiveness of bioresonance copies influenza vaccines

Study of the immunological effectiveness of bioresonance copies influenza vaccines

AUTHORS : Demikhovskaya E.V. | Abramov V.V. | Mikhailyuta E.A. | Kotlyarov Yu.D. | Korobko N.Ya. | Yurchenko A.G.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Dnipropetrovsk Medical Institute of Traditional Medicine, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
YEAR : 2002 | Category : Research

Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent influenza. Live vaccines simulate an infectious process caused by a weakened pathogen. At the same time, the reaction of the body, depending on the individual, constitutional susceptibility to the pathogen, is sometimes difficult to predict. Inactivated (killed) vaccines are completely safe in infectious terms, but cleaning them from ballast allergenic substances sometimes leads to a decrease in immunogenicity.

The trigger for the development of the immune response and the production of antibodies or effector cells is the recognition of a foreign antigen. The primary structure of the antigenic determinant molecule is determined by the genome of the pathogen. But the spatial, quaternary structure of glycopeptides of both antigen and antibodies, which are produced as a result of the immune response, The possibility of creating electronic copies of any microorganisms using the software and hardware complex of the firm “IMEDIS” led to the idea of creating and using bioresonance vaccines.

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