Dynamics of electropunctural parameters on the kidney meridian and evaluation of various methods of treatment of pyelonephritis by R. Voll’s method and ART

Dynamics of electropunctural parameters on the kidney meridian and evaluation of various methods of treatment of pyelonephritis by R. Voll’s method and ART

AUTHORS : Fadeev I.V. | Berezina E.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : PE LDTs “Bio-Fall”, Voronezh, Russia
YEAR : 2002 | Category : Method of treatment

The urgency of the problem Pyelonephritis is the most common kidney pathology. According to various authors, this disease affects up to 30% of people and ranks second in frequency after upper respiratory tract infections. Women are 4-5 times more likely than men to suffer from pyelonephritis, especially during pregnancy, when there is an exacerbation of latent chronic pyelonephritis not diagnosed in a timely manner.

Early diagnosis of pyelonephritis, when there are no gross abnormalities in urine tests, presents significant difficulties for a polyclinic doctor. If in urine testsat the time of the study, “no” pronounced violations (subcompensated process), although the patient has subjective urological complaints, the attending physician usually does not prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs.

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