The use of frequency resonance diagnostics and therapy for customizing traditional Chinese herbal formulas medicine

The use of frequency resonance diagnostics and therapy for customizing traditional Chinese herbal formulas medicine

AUTHORS : Ivanchenko V.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical center “MOL”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Clinical Evaluation

Herbal formulas of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) have been selected for thousands of years using pulse diagnostics, according to the theory of five elements, etc. However, the use of TCM formulas by Western medicine encounters great difficulties due to the complexity of the indications for them, which do not coincide with modern clinical diagnoses. This is partly solved with the help of a biochemical pharmacological study of TCM preparations, which is very expensive and time-consuming.

We have proposed an individual method for the selection of TCM formulas using computer frequency-resonant diagnostics (CFRD) in the form of a hardwaresoftware complex, as an addition to the VEGA-test apparatus (FRG). A computer data bank of TCM was created (over 3000 plants and preparations). In order to establish the reliability of the selection, 218 TCM formulas were studied in 420 patients using KCRD for various diseases.

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