A hypothetical phenomenon of the response of a supersystem that includes an organism (for example, physical reality) to a change in its internal time

A hypothetical phenomenon of the response of a supersystem that includes an organism (for example, physical reality) to a change in its internal time

AUTHORS : Gotovsky Yu.V.Mkhitaryan K.N.

YEAR : 2003 | Category : Research

The hypothetical phenomenon of the response of external reality to a change in the internal model of the body’s chronosemantic homeostasis, or, what is the same its internal time is one of the most difficult, but at the same time one of the most interesting questions of chronosemantics (the science of the internal time of the body).

The need to mention it in a medical context stems from a purely empirical fact: this phenomenon is repeatedly mentioned by the attending physicians as a quite characteristic and frequent response to the patient’s chronosemantic therapy. First of all, it is necessary to clarify the very definition of the phenomenon of the response of the environment, or, more precisely, of some supersystem that includes the organism, at least within the framework of answers to the following questions:

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